Our International Trade practice provides analysis, advice, and problem-solving on a wide range of public procurement and international trade issues. Its blog, Perspectives on Trade, provides regular analysis and commentary on timely topics.
China has proposed standards for determining whether a product is considered a “domestic product” for purposes of government procurement, and thus eligible for a 20% price preference. If finalized, this measure will fill a gap in implementation of China’s 2003 Government Procurement Law, which requires government entities to purchase domestic goods, construction, and services. Such a definition has long been sought by..
Our Digital Technology practice helps prepare rising leaders to deal with all aspects of the field, including issues of communications and policy.
We learned the basics of computing from surprising places. We learned it from factories. We learned it from offices. We learned it from rows and rows of workers computing answers with no tool more sophisticated than paper and pencil. The story of fundamental themes of the digital age and the definitive treatment of the Mathematical Tables Project.
Art crosses borders. It links peoples and nations. It lightens our neighborhoods. It touches our hearts. Djaghe has expertise in the international arts, in how they are developed, in how they are managed, and in how they are produced. It also produces shows through the HWMS Audio Theatre.
Not for profit It is far from obvious that theatre should be delivered by nonprofit companies. Throughout most of American history, theatre was a profit-making activity, whether those making the profits were Broadway theatres or travelling vaudeville troupes. Yet, by the middle of the 20th century, the Ford Foundation was advocating a nonprofit model for regional theatre. “The very nature of performing groups along..
The end of the town. Don’t go down. Don’t ever go down, as the song says, if you don’t go down with me. Preparing to visit the battle. Learning to negotiate a small town only a few miles from the conflict. Two things that are not that different when the town is Kapu Varo. Alec Effson gets a dramatic lesson..